Advanced products and services for Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Power Generation markets
Advanced products and services for Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Power Generation markets

The International Tax Planning is a branch of knowledge necessary to the cost optimization that is required in the current age. A company needs to be in the position to make some basic changes in its tax situation to optimize tax impact, not only involving offshore tax jurisdictions. Entities which use to accumulate different forms of income through different companies or that will act through different companies must be driven to trust in various jurisdictions to minimize the total tax bill.
A plan needs to be put in place in finding a favorable tax-treaty(ies) jurisdiction because most of them were written to reduce the problems of the same income being taxed by two countries.
Many other possibilities can be opened: for example, there are countries with low tax rates for certain types of income and if you are looking for some tax optimization solutions we can design and plan together your best one, fitted to your particular needs.

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